Meet Our Board

Our board members bring a wealth of experience, dedication, and faith to Project Miracle. They provide strategic oversight and ensure that we remain true to our mission and values. Each member plays a vital role in guiding our organization and helping us achieve our goals.

  • Matt Yost

    Matt Yost is a member of River Valley Church where he serves as a Deacon at the Apple Valley Campus, leading men's ministry, coaching/mentoring and usher coach. Matt volunteers in multiple capacities throughout the south metro, which includes coaching children and youth sports and serving on the district 196 community education advisory council. He has worked for Lubrication Technology in Golden Valley, MN for 2 years and has held a variety of leadership positions for the past 15 years in executive management, manufacturing, quality assurance/engineering, business development and process improvements. He brings a unique perspective to the board that combines his technical background and process improvement experience with a strong heart to spread the love of Jesus throughout our communities.

  • Daniel Sandoval

    Daniel Sandoval is an evangelist and one of the founding members of Project Miracle. His passion for spreading the message of Christ is evident in his role as a driving force behind our mission. Daniel is constantly exploring new ways to reach different communities for Christ, seeking innovative and impactful approaches to sharing the love and hope found in the Gospel. His dedication to the mission of Project Miracle inspires us all to continue striving for excellence in our service to others.

  • Benjamin Berry

    Benjamin Berry is a serial entrepreneur who has found success in various business ventures and startups. The mission God put on his heart has led him to be a key member of Project Miracle, where he feels called to utilize his talents to spread the message of Christ. Benjamin uses his extensive experience as an investor and entrepreneur to drive the mission forward. His commitment to giving back and serving the community inspires some of our outreach at Project Miracle, where we aim to bring hope, compassion, and the love of Christ to underserved communities.

  • Patrick Johnson

    Patrick Johnson is a studying pastor and one of the founding members of Project Miracle. His deep commitment to his faith and his role as a prayer warrior are evident in his daily life and interactions. God has placed a calling on his heart, guiding him in his journey of service and ministry. Patrick's dedication to prayer and his unwavering faith inspire us all as we work together to bring hope, compassion, and the love of Christ to underserved communities.

  • Eric Larsen

    Eric Larsen has been a driver for Republic Services for 13 years, earning the driver of the year award for the last three years. He gives God all the glory and considers God his boss, striving to be a great representative for Him. Eric is passionate about Project Miracle's mission of getting outside the four walls of the Church and showing the love of Christ. Having experienced God's transformative power in his own life, he is dedicated to helping others feel and experience the same love of Jesus. Eric firmly believes that Jesus changes lives.

  • Eddie Nestingen

    Eddie runs a home fire safety business and, together with his wife, manages two small apartments. The couple met at Cornerstone Bible Church, where they have both been devoted members for decades. Now empty nesters, they enjoy visiting their children and grandchildren. Eddie has faithfully served as a deacon at his local church for the past 35 years and is also a Chaplain for the Dakota County Juvenile Center and Jail. He holds a bachelor’s degree in theology from Cornerstone Bible College and has been deeply involved in evangelical outreach and Bible teaching throughout his time at Cornerstone. Eddie firmly believes that the 66 books of the Bible are God’s word to people worldwide and that everyone should have the opportunity to hear God's message of love and grace. His greatest passion is ensuring that believers have a solid grounding in God’s word, emphasizing that reading, understanding, and properly applying God’s word to one’s life is a lifelong goal. Please reach out to Eddie or anyone at Project Miracle to receive Jesus as your personal savior or for any other material or spiritual need.

  • Scott Polstein

    I have worked for Ryan Companies for about 20 years and have also been employed at Seven Hills Academy for 30 years. In addition to my professional roles, I volunteer at River Valley Church every Sunday, serving as an usher and being part of the prayer team for two services.

    I have been with Project Miracle for almost a year. I love engaging in outreach and events within our communities to help our brothers and sisters and show love as the Lord commands. I enjoy working with the Project Miracle team, and I believe in the importance of teamwork and doing the Lord's work by being His hands and feet, discipling those in need. I praise the Lord every day for everything I have, feeling truly blessed to be a blessing to others.